Physiotherapy at home*up to 60 minfrom 65 EUR
Physiotherapy at home - with referral from a family doctor** up to 60 min
68.93 EUR (with referral - free)
Workout for seniors up to 60 min  Single Entry: 7€
10-entry pass: 59€
*Along with the therapy session by a licensed physiotherapist, the price includes transportation fees in Tallinn and Tabasalu. An additional transportation fee (5 eur) is added to the price within a 10 km radius of Tallinn. Other areas are negotiable.
**No visit fee is charged.

NB! Payment methods
By invoice to the company
By invoice in cash or bank transfer
Referral from a family doctor (code 7060)

* * *

Additional information
Home physiotherapy
Workout for seniors

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